Ivy Exec
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Elena Bajic


5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star

Recommend to a friend


Say this is a great place to work


Proud to have on resume


Employee - Manager

I found it to be a culture of hypocrisy. . . bill what you work = bill what I tell you to bill; we have gender equality = old boys network seemed more concerned with caring for the male colleagues, than supporting the female ones, even if the male colleagues were underperforming or mediocre at best. Junior male colleagues were not reprimanded if they did not listen to their female superiors. Have never seen anything like this before or after Deloitte. Deloitte also suffers from a McKinsey crush. . . they want so bad to be McKinsey.

Employee - Partner

Market leader globally. Special culture that feels like family, drives innovation, grows leaders, delivers value

Employee - Manager

Renewal energy

Employee - Senior Associate/Consultant

Very positive market position and had experienced tremendous growth at the expense of its competitors.

Employee - Senior Associate/Consultant

Very collaborative and inclusive culture. Competitive but helpful. Fun and young.

Employee - Senior Associate/Consultant

Competes to be the best and creates an environment for practitioners to deliver their best work.

Employee - Senior Associate/Consultant

Great firm that gives practitioners an opportunity to work on the most interesting business problems. Continues to be on an upward trend, giving us great opportunities, training, and facilities.

Employee - Manager

Beyond the Bottom Line

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Expect increasing workload but reduced man-hours. Also, expect typical office culture where you do not really reap what you sow, working harder does not get you there if you got assigned to relatively small engagements or portfolio (audit).

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Hierarchical work culture.

Employee - Associate/Consultant

Apprenticeship model is successful for those recruited out of college. Does not work well with experienced, industry hires. The consulting process and techniques are often valued more than subject matter expertise. Expect hazing.

Employee - Manager

I still think (despite acquiring Monitor) that Deloitte is never going to be a top 5 strategy firm. Their strength lies in operations and project management (yuck!)

Employee - Associate/Consultant

Senior leadership's rhetoric is inconsistent from what is actually occurring in the field among middle managements' actions

Employee - Senior Associate/Consultant

The work-life balance and the flexibility is poor, often requiring 60+ hours of work each week

Employee - Manager

Large firm, has a good reputation in the market, working with A Types

Employee - Manager

Strive for quality and client value

Employee - Manager

Pays are at the higher end as compared to Accenture, but maybe the same or lower than McKinseys

Employee - Manager

Compensation based on Pay for Performance at an individual level and firm wide

Employee - Manager

The culture focuses on innovation and problem solving. Networking is very important. However, metrics drive unhealthy behavior among employees and defeats morale.

Employee - Manager

Very network based firm, not necessarily technologically savvy firm, onus remains on employees too fit in and the leadership does not do much to a firm feel. Like employees working at shops in the mall called Deloitte