Ivy Exec
49 W38th Street, Floor 12A New York NY 10016
Customer Support 1 (888) 551-3444 Toll Free
Customer Support (212) 431-3969
Elena Bajic


5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star

Recommend to a friend


Say this is a great place to work


Proud to have on resume


Employee - Analyst / Associate

It was a brutal unhappy unfriendly place to work. There was very little caring about your colleagues and this is essential to building a good team and great product. My manager was arrogant and made really poor decisions.

Employee - Analyst / Associate

You better be willing to sacrifice your life for the company so you need to evaluate if this is the kind of atmosphere, work environment and stress you want to monopolize your life

Employee - Analyst / Associate

I'd describe the culture at Amazon as cold, impersonal, arrogant, lonely, and a lot of unhappy stressed people.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Suggest to get out sooner. Their stated intent is to burn & churn, to get people out by 3 years max

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

On-call rotations were brutal. Many people just leave. Example: when I was there, we had a headcount freeze. Hiring kept moving at a fast pace though, to backfill all the people leaving.

Employee - Analyst / Associate

I would suggest a change in the way how business is done in Amazon - remove "on-call" and pagers, remove longer than 8 hours (much longer, up to 11), remove pressure and pushing every day.

Employee - Analyst / Associate

Working here means you will have no life (AT ALL). It will be stress and stress and pressure every day till you give up.

Employee - Analyst / Associate

Horrible company culture.

Employee - Entry / Intern

Brutal culture. High demands, little support. Poor manager skills

Employee - Entry / Intern

Unfriendly, tough culture. Stressful. Little support. Low work-life balance.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Strong brand, tough environment, your immediate manager is very important for you.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

The company culture is tough and cut-throat.

Employee - Vice President (VP, SVP, EVP, etc.)

Very competitive and not cooperative. Not a great place to work.

Employee - Vice President (VP, SVP, EVP, etc.)

Great name but poor reputation.

Employee - Vice President (VP, SVP, EVP, etc.)

A place that is very quick to punish mistakes.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Employee support as in it should be equal to their customer obsession and work life balance. Amazon is a grinder and unless you're young/out of college with energy, someone who ties their ego to working long hours and being stressed out, or just need the experience I would not recommend this company.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

It's a fast paced, grinding, and a never ending hamster wheel of product cycles, upper management demands, and soul sucking lack of work/life balance. If you have kids, you'll have to get reacquainted with them again, since you'll most likely be head down buried in email and short deadlines for as long as your working with this company.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

I worked with some great people while at this company, but they are overworked, underpaid, and under supported. It's a Fortune 500 trying to act like a startup and creating a burnout inducing environment.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

I'd like to see a change in Culture, Managers, Annual Review process.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

The New York Times story has a lot of truth in it- if there is smoke there is fire somewhere. however there have been some improvement after the story...still its a grind, be ready to go bald or get grey hairs for having a good name in your resume and make some money with stocks