Ivy Exec
49 W38th Street, Floor 12A New York NY 10016
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Elena Bajic


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Employee - Senior Vice President

If you like working an insane amount of hours, feeling like you can never leave until your boss leaves and like worrying about getting laid off all the time it's a great place to work. If not, then you will hate it.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Incredibly political. Dog eat dog. The worst culture I have experienced in 34 years in the Industry.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Need to change the management! Over the last several years the culture has changed to one favoring knee-jerk, unthinking reaction instead of pragmatism and efficiency. Boisterous table pounding and screaming are favored over intelligence, consideration and thinking about practical solutions to problems and approaches to issues. Policies are routinely ignored and risk management is shunted aside in favor of revenue at any price (even if it results in losses). If anything goes wrong, the immediate reaction is to point fingers everywhere else instead of thinking about how to solve the issue.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Watch your back! No one is looking out for you, and anyone will throw you under the bus in a second if it helps them. There is little interest in doing what is good for the company overall. Everyone is only interested in doing what is good for them and their specific group.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Unthinking, reactive and knee-jerk. Screaming and table pounding are valued far above intelligence and thoughtfulness. Management would rather "see action" even if it is counterproductive and ignores policy, instead of thinking about an issue and taking a reasoned approach that might take slightly longer in short run but will be more efficient in the long run. They would rather have something, anything, done quickly and wrong instead of efficiently (but maybe slightly less quick) and right. There is no coherent plan for prioritization, or anything really. People are put into management roles without knowing the business. Technology is underfunded and understaffed, but there are demands to roll out technology solutions quickly, before they are ready, which means they don't work and create even more problems.

Employee - Senior Vice President

I would change the integrity of senior leaders, stability of the environment, honesty with regulators, etc.

Employee - Senior Vice President

It is struggling and will continue to struggle if they stay on their current path and maintain their current senior leaders who foster bad behavior and low morale.

Employee - Senior Vice President

It used to be a great place to work but in the last 7 years the culture shifted to one of mistrust and dishonesty. The environment is very much "do as I say not as I do" and their policies have become fodder for regulators as opposed to operating norms. I used to respect the managers at the company but found that the tendency to promote and favor based on location and friendships as opposed to skills and contribution to be counterproductive.

Employee - Associate

Focused solely on profits, not the customer.

Employee - Associate

Leadership sets the pulse. Rewards for unethical practices, so long as financial goals are exceeded.

Employee - Associate

Unappreciative of good employees.

Employee - Associate

Discriminatory policy towards foreigners; widespread abuse within certain teams; highly litigious characters; unpalatable corporate culture

Employee - Associate

Worked at BofA post crisis, Team was being fired, Everyone ran for the hills, Preying attitudes, Backstabbing involved

Employee - Associate

Snide team members; Culture of lie; Manipulative senior team members

Employee - Vice President

Culture is awful. It's now a Bank - with lots of regs add'l to the Securities Rules and Exchange regs. very conservative where people are afraid to lose their jobs - thwarting change and improvement.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Non collaborative and too big to manage. Hard to get the work done especially outside of the team.

Employee - Associate

Terrible company morale

Employee - Associate

I think a lot of people are satisfied there but no one LOVES it there.

Employee - Associate

Too uptight, did not feel that employees were valued

Employee - Analyst

It was like being in boot camp in the military. An 80-hour work week was common.