Ivy Exec
49 W38th Street, Floor 12A New York NY 10016
Customer Support 1 (888) 551-3444 Toll Free
Customer Support (212) 431-3969
Elena Bajic


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Employee - Managing Director

I survived and the issues I faced in the bank made me a better manager in innovating to survive. It taught me how to avoid the politics of the business as the bank then was very political - preference were given to head office staff who were moved to our region but did not know the cultural issues. The plus factor was that I met very good and professional persons that made my stay productive - the little independence we had some of us used to work more closely with each other and help each others business. Eventually the lack of resources and support from management (as they wait for decisions from the head office) lost the competitiveness of my division and eventually other banks dominated the client acquisition and development

Employee - Managing Director

Combative and silos - a lot of silos for each division and there is no teamwork. Management made it worse by reallocating revenues randomly rather than having a statistical basis. During my time a lot of emphasis was on the Treasury and Global Markets and these were allowed to double dip on our revenues - charging us on transaction and later on on gapping and other risks. Focus was on operating revenue centers and management did not care about client relationships and worried more about their relationship with their star performers who may or may not be very good with client relationships but was good at focusing on maximizing revenues on a client instead of the long term relationships. No investment in training and developing people in relationships with institutional and individual clients. Relied on the strength of the structure of the bank not on the client pool and relationships...relationships were based on wallet size.

Employee - Vice President

Would change the culture

Employee - Vice President

Hostile culture

Employee - Vice President

for US citizens not good, very euro oriented

Employee - Vice President

very dependent on consultants

Employee - Vice President

Very euro centric culture

Employee - Vice President

Poor leadership Poor development path

Employee - Associate

Needs better working culture, employee ethics & morale, promotion scheme, salary

Employee - Associate

very difficult to get promoted, the company keeps hiring external managers who do not have the right skills. Internal employees are not valued unless they threaten to leave

Employee - Managing Director

you should know how to play politics, must come to work early for additional overlap time with London

Employee - Managing Director

Lots of politics, lack of senior direction, lack of understanding at the top

Employee - Vice President

Little to no diversity in the front office. This leads to group think and lack of opportunities down the line for junior staff.

Employee - Vice President

Lack of communication from the top was a big issue. No real clarity is provided to employees yet the senior leaders continue to ask employees not to abandon the sinking ship.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Change the senior management Incentive compensatin plan

Employee - Senior Vice President

Use employees to maximum firm benefit and little concern for them

Employee - Senior Vice President

Must agree with senior management or suffer

Employee - Vice President

There were not a lot of women at the top so to speak. I needed a Mentor.

Employee - Vice President

It is a very political environment.

Employee - Vice President

Extremely competitive, also mysogynistic.