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Elena Bajic

Illume Advising



5 stars


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2 stars


1 star

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Featured Review

Current Employee - Associate/Consultant

ILLUME Advising has a commitment to its employees' quality of life that I have never seen in another company. At the same time, every single person here is passionate about what we do, specifically about being at the forefront of energy efficiency.

Featured Review

Current Employee - Analyst

I have highly recommended ILLUME to many of my friends because ILLUME offers incredible flexibility, they trust their employees to work independently and with integrity. I enjoy working in an environment where I am constantly learning, being challenged, and have opportunities to grow. Additionally, I appreciate the diverse background of everyone who works here and ILLUME's commitment high quality research.


Current Employee - Associate/Consultant

ILLUME Advising has a commitment to its employees' quality of life that I have never seen in another company. At the same time, every single person here is passionate about what we do, specifically about being at the forefront of energy efficiency.


Current Employee - Associate/Consultant

The culture is very employee-focused. There is a strong attention to understanding that employees have more going on in their lives than just their career. Management strongly encourages that staff do not work on weekends or holidays. A great example is the closure of the office for the week before New Year's Day to allow staff to spend time with families during the holiday season. As another example, I am allowed to work from home several days per week as my commute is typically 3 hours round trip. This is a huge benefit to my personal time, and one that previous employers did not allow.


Current Employee - Associate/Consultant

Our clients love us. We recently released a magazine including many thought pieces about the future of energy efficiency and the industry and it has been extremely well received. Numerous clients and other consultancies have complimented us on the magazine and its content.


Current Employee - Principal/VP/Director

I moved to ILLUME about two years ago, and it's been an excellent move. The owners are sensitive to finding a balance between work and life. The whole company works to provide a collaborative and non-competitive environment. We share celebrations of our personal and professional achievements on slack and team meetings. It's just a lovely place to work. Finally, when my colleagues and I were concerned with training our analysts, the company decided to pay for everyone in the company to attend a three-day training that we developed. That type of investment is huge, and I love that ILLUME sees the value in it.


Current Employee - Principal/VP/Director

ILLUME strives to and continues to attain a diverse culture. The energy industry is not very diverse, and senior management at ILLUME continue to seek out diverse applicants and diverse ways of thinking. Further, the company takes a social justice perspective - both in the work we do and in how the company behaves. We give to charities both local and national to fund projects that boost diversity or help underrepresented groups. We're also empowered to speak up and bring ideas to senior management. This year the owners also decided to make election day a holiday so we could vote without stress. Generally speaking, we are a very diverse bunch and we revel in the diversity and want to foster it.


Current Employee - Principal/VP/Director

I think ILLUME has a great reputation. We are known to think differently from other consultancies. We're known for high quality, thoughtful work.


Current Employee - Engineer

ILLUM values the employee work-life balance. We prioritize quality of work and family.


Current Employee - Engineer

ILLUME is diverse and inclusive, values the strengths and talents that each individual brings to the team.


Current Employee - Engineer

ILLUME is well respected in the industry.


Current Employee - Principal/VP/Director

Forward-looking and visionary owners who are truly trying to transform the energy company. Senior leadership is invested in motivated in creating a strong company and culture, including finding projects that align with our mission and skills, and staff training and development. Opportunities for deep thinking and connections with staff. Focus on high-quality work -- quality over quantity or cost. Individualized career tracks.


Current Employee - Principal/VP/Director

Collaborative and consensus-driven culture where leadership wants to understand everyone's experience and set all staff up for success. Leadership is responsive to feedback and always working on training and other initiatives to help staff grow and stay connected with each other.


Current Employee - Principal/VP/Director

Illume has a reputation as an industry thought leader, always pushing for deeper insights & inserting a new perspective or new approach into both existing and emerging problems. We have a reputation for highly visual and high-quality deliverables and strong stakeholder engagement, including being fun and engaging to work with for our clients. We bring multiple experts to the table to make sure we are looking at issues and ideas from multiple perspectives.


Current Employee - Analyst

ILLUME Advising fosters an environment that allows the team to work collaboratively rather than competitively. The camaraderie is exceptional and the office culture is welcoming. One can truly feel challenged while being fully supported along the way.


Current Employee - Analyst

Illume provides a culture of development and flexibility.


Current Employee - Analyst

Supportive executive team. Dynamic, industry leading work. Strong emphasis on work-life balance.


Current Employee - Analyst

Do great work. Think freely. Kick ass. Rest when you need to.


Current Employee - Analyst

Illume just does things differently than the other companies we share a space with. In a field that's fairly resistant to change, Illume isn't afraid to approach things with a diffrent perspective.


Current Employee - Analyst

Everyone wants everyone to succeed, great and friendly people to work with who continually motivate each other.


Current Employee - Analyst

I believe we're perceived as a small research powerhouse. We have incredible talent on our team pulling from expertise in a wide range of fields. Because we draw from such a deep and diverse well of talent, we're able to turn research questions into interesting stories for our clients. We tell deeply researched, data-driven stories; and we do it well.


Current Employee - Analyst

There are many companies that pay a lot of lip service to diversity and work life balance. ILLUME walks the walk. If I travel in the field and work long days, my managers reach out to me and tell me to take days off once field work is complete. Additionally, I'm never pressured to work long hours. On the contrary, managers actively shuffle work loads so as to not overly burden a single individual. There is so much flexibility and I believe that's why we have so many working mothers on our team. The company recognizes that life just happens and sometimes you need to unexpectedly take the day off. I don't have to clear it with a manager if I want time off. They treat us like the responsible and trusting adults that we are.