Ivy Exec
49 W38th Street, Floor 12A New York NY 10016
Customer Support 1 (888) 551-3444 Toll Free
Customer Support (212) 431-3969
Elena Bajic


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Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Working here will suck everything out of you. It is a chip company. They make chips. They're a manufacturing excellence company. They are an "ingredients" company. They build stuff that goes into other companies' widgets. As a result they view "innovation" through the lens of "how to add more power/features into a chip."

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Dog eat dog type culture.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

The strategic planning processes are broken......company is stuck in paradigms that don't work anymore. Company missed the Internet revolution, made a complete mess of the Communication strategy (has written off billions) and by all accounts has failed in the Mobile sector.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

The company appears to be in decline. A large percentage of revenues (and income) comes from the PC business which has been declining over the last 10 years and this decline will continue to accelerate due to the advent of Mobility. The Enterprise business (25-30%) is strong and will continue to be so, but the company lacks the DNA to enter new businesses and stay the course and unless this changes, it will company to shrink and shed employees.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

There were constant layoffs and forced performance distributions.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

There are too many Sr mgr director vp. Need a better collaboration between departments

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

All of the HR initiatives rang hollow in this context. The culture is "work as many hours as you have to, forget about your home life." We don't respect you as an individual; you are a number on a spreadsheet.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Intel needs wew leadership, and major policy changes regarding employees

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

A person's experience with the company is mostly determined by their manager. While there are excellent managers at Intel, there are also horrific ones, and HR does little or nothing to weed them out. Also, Intel also has policies in place that enable unfair treatment of employees by these managers: 1) A manager gets a payroll budget for the group, and devides it up as he/she sees fit. In cases where an employee is vastly underpaid, there is no prevision made by Intel to catch them up, so either they stay underpaid, and get tiny 4% salary bumps per year, or else the other employees in the group take an unfair hit. 2) A manager can put someone on a Corrective Action Plan at will - it only has to be documented that that the employee had sufficient notice. 3) Once on a CAP, an employee is prevented from moving to another, better, group. So a manager can make an employees life hell if they want to stay with the company. 4) It's also well documented that Intel practices age discrimination. In their last headcount reduction, it was 2.5 times more likely that you would be laid off if you were over 40. 5) Intel pays reasonably well, but at a cost. They burn people out. Lots of marriages are destroyed by Intel's work demands, including my own. And during one horribly stressful year, I developed type 2 diabetes - a condition that I will have for the rest of my (shortened) life, even though I no longer work there.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Had excessive unpaid overtime. They tolerate abusive management and did not provide job security (lots of unnecessary layoffs. I have been laid off 3 times in 12 total years, with each time resetting my retirement benifits). I have been asked to lie to customers.

Employee - Analyst / Associate

The whole corporate culture needs to be improved. It's a raise the bar kind of company. What most employees don't get is that the bar is buried underground. It all about looks and posturing.

Employee - Analyst / Associate

Strategic direction needs to be improved.

Employee - Analyst / Associate

It's important to be flexible here.

Employee - Analyst / Associate

A bunch of super-chickens because of the yearly ratings system.

Employee - Vice President (VP, SVP, EVP, etc.)

The values espoused by the company were violated almost entirely. For instance, meritocracy was often touted as an important value but rarely adhered to....the company failed time and again regarding strategy and yet none of the senior leadership paid a price for this failure. The "currency" of the company was tenure NOT competence and business results. Employee surveys were used to retaliate against dissatisfied employees.

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

Their is an open door policy and all leaders are approachable. Willingness to support and have 1:1s

Employee - Manager / Senior Manager

It's highly political here.