Ivy Exec
49 W38th Street, Floor 12A New York NY 10016
Customer Support 1 (888) 551-3444 Toll Free
Customer Support (212) 431-3969
Elena Bajic


5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star

Recommend to a friend


Say this is a great place to work


Proud to have on resume


Employee - Senior Vice President

Working here was unprofessional, cut-throat and bigoted

Employee - Managing Director

Truly amazing bank outside Japan with top tier bankers who really care about long-term client relationship. Very poor quality bankers, who don't have sufficient experience executing deals, who cares more about internal politics than what is important for clients, and who can't even communicate well in English..

Employee - Managing Director

The company is one of the most well respected financial institution in the world. Very different culture from Goldman or BoAM

Employee - Managing Director

Great franchise globally but quality in Japan has deteriorated significantly over the past few years. Investment banking business senior management in Japan need a change. Currrent IB Head of Japan lacks client focus, attention to details that really provide value, and capabilities to really manage a team

Employee - Vice President

More of a culture of fear than anything else.

Employee - Vice President

It is a solid company. It's all about the person to whom you report. My direct management was superb. I'd have fallen on the sword for her. Other Senior Management, not so much.

Employee - Vice President

Just after I left to pursue other career opportunities there were major layoffs, resulting in my former colleagues being required to work extremely long hours with no pay increase. es even though the company was quite profitable, and reduction of benefits.

Employee - Senior Vice President

I loved my job and always believed I would spend my entire career there until the management musical chairs began. Every manager thought he would reinvent the wheel and fix things that weren't broken. The thing that got broken was me.

Employee - Senior Vice President

The good old boys mentality in management. hire/advancement is based on factors other than qualifications

Employee - Senior Vice President

I found the culture to be non-collegial and, behind the scenes, unprofessional

Employee - Vice President

Traditional, hierarchical, political

Employee - Associate

Apathetic work culture here.

Employee - Associate

Not very sociable group of people, pretty cut throat

Employee - Vice President

"Good ole boy" club. If you weren't in the military, non-white, or female you were excluded and looked over for higher ranking roles or just laid off so the director could hire a buddy.

Employee - Vice President

Very male focused. Talks the talk about diversity. But there is no diversity in upper management. Diversity is only for the non management roles

Employee - Vice President

Needs more women in top roles and more diversity

Employee - Vice President

They only cared about their numbers never about their employees. We got robbed 3 times and only had a counselor see us for 15 mins on the first robbery. Second and third robbery they didn't even ask if we were ok. Horrible place to work for. Had to take leave of absence due to the robberies and I got yelled at and mistreated, eventually fired.

Employee - Vice President

They will never care for their employees. They are worth billions but they refuse to pay $250 for a security to make their employees feel safe after a robbery. Their pay is below other banking institutions. I've worked at 3 different institutions. In order to get promoted you must know someone up high.

Employee - Associate

the culture in the Central Compliance was strictly to do the work. Worked many long hours.

Employee - Associate

Should know that there are many layers of management.