Ivy Exec
49 W38th Street, Floor 12A New York NY 10016
Customer Support 1 (888) 551-3444 Toll Free
Customer Support (212) 431-3969
Elena Bajic


5 stars


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3 stars


2 stars


1 star

Recommend to a friend


Say this is a great place to work


Proud to have on resume


Employee - Associate

I would change the high turnover of employee's in support staff positions. Also I would change the way employees are treated in regards to the moving of departments to Delaware. I would ensure that there are other opportunities for employees within the firm.

Employee - Associate

A lot of work demands and not much flexibility.

Employee - Vice President

They have the worse leadership, they care about their money not about their employees. We got robbed and when we went on leave they "managed is out" better known as fired us.

Employee - Vice President

At the branch level, bankers were taught to work on a basis that they were replaceable at a moments notice and could be denegrated and humiliated in person or on the phone with little or no consequenses.

Employee - Vice President

Ruthless place to work and expect to be treated fairly by upper management.

Employee - Associate

It is a big respected bank.

Employee - Associate

Needs less stress and more support.

Employee - Vice President

Little respect was paid to older workers and to employees who were from other heritage organizations outside of JPMorgan.

Employee - Vice President

It is over rated and you will be over worked and under appreciated.

Employee - Senior Vice President

A company with great heritage that prides itself for having the best professionals.

Employee - Senior Vice President

You must love the business and spend a LOT of time to succeed.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Too much red tape and bureaucracy, but still a great company.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Civilized working environment. Intellectually inclined group of people. Highly competitive but not abrasively so.

Employee - Senior Vice President

You will be surrounded by very smart people. JPMorgan is a machine - things work there. Processes have been established. There is accountability. There is strategy. People remain friends after they leave the company.

Employee - Senior Vice President

JPMorgan is a fantastic place to work, with very bright people and a civilized working environment in contrast to many Wall Street firms known for their abrasive culture. What they need to improve on is: 1) Meritocracy - advancing someone's career because they are the protege of senior management and are political focusing on increasing their "likeability" and "agreeableness" with senior management rather than the quality of their product or performance with clients is demotivating for the real performers. JPMorgan has had extremely bright junior bankers that have been superstars but have fallen through the cracks or have not been advanced in their careers because they have not had the random chance of working in a seat that is protected by some high-placed senior management banker. 2) Development - there has to be a career plan and development plan for the Tier 1 junior bankers. That plan needs to be discussed with HR and the junior banker and management has to ensure that the opportunities they offer those junior bankers (e.g. internal transfer to a new group, expatriate international placement, short-term deal execution in a different office) is a good FIT for this banker's strongest qualities. Too often, candidates are moved to a new spot, simply because it needs to be filled quickly, with no time for extensive recruiting process (internal) and those new spots are a complete mismatch for that particular banker. 3) Diversity - JPMorgan can do a lot better job at demonstrating - through actions, rather than PR - that it cares about diversity. In a layoff or downsizing, single women are always worse affected. The rationale may be that highly educated single women with no 3 kids to feed will be less negatively affected by the job loss, but the reality is that they are single head of households and the only one taking care of themselves. Meritocracy alone should drive decisions in these situations. 4) Shake up - there are too many people doing average work who are paid extremely high and disproportionate to the value they bring; simply because compensation increases on a timeline (years at the bank and title level). Compensation needs to be more meritocracy based. E.g. a junior banker who has been in a unique position to be part of a tiny start-up team that made record amount of money for the bank needs to be paid based on their contribution, not within the bonus bracket limitations set for his/her class level (e.g. Associate year 1, Associate year 2, etc).

Employee - Associate

Wish it was less political and less stress and turnover every year in period Sept - Jan because of bonus maneuvers

Employee - Managing Director

Great Comraderie. Not a stab you in the back mentality that is so prevalent on Wall Street

Employee - Vice President

It rewards hard work and integrity and it requires you to do what it takes to make money and keep clients happy. Both must happen.

Employee - Vice President

They dont suffer fools gladly. They will work with you to a point and if you just arent cut out for it they will cut bait. I think its fair and it works to retain valuable employees

Employee - Vice President

They used to be downtown. They moved to midtown which was a great move. Every big bank should be in midtown as it serves long island, westchester and connecticut best.