Ivy Exec
49 W38th Street, Floor 12A New York NY 10016
Customer Support 1 (888) 551-3444 Toll Free
Customer Support (212) 431-3969
Elena Bajic


5 stars


4 stars


3 stars


2 stars


1 star

Recommend to a friend


Say this is a great place to work


Proud to have on resume


Employee - Analyst

Unfriendly environment; internally competitive within teams to the detriment of younger analysts.

Employee - Analyst

Grow a bigger book through prospecting and mining my work contacts to become clients

Employee - Analyst

Highly encourging to find a mentor or get on a team while working here.

Employee - Analyst

Company culture was to sometimes be helpful. Mostly up to your self to drive business. Need better assistance growing a book.

Employee - Managing Director

Company has major focus on Commercial Bank vs securities firm.

Employee - Managing Director

Wells Fargo Securities excels in many key US markets for fixed income but is not significant in certain US fixed income markets, equities and international markets.

Employee - Managing Director

The employee culture is a mix of people who are long term employees from Wachovia and those who joined recently from more established firms

Employee - Associate

Suggest a better advancement plan for employees

Employee - Vice President

It is hard to move up as quickly as openings were limited to the more senior levels.

Employee - Vice President

WFS is a good basecamp to work at.

Employee - Vice President

Pretty formal work environment. Private.

Employee - Vice President

Keep in mind that the East Coast works on a West Coast schedule.

Employee - Vice President

Wells Fargo Securities is hungrier than bulge bracket

Employee - Vice President

Adjust the company by fewer executive directors; too many layers of mgmt

Employee - Associate

Best benefit - great people to work with.

Employee - Associate

A collaborative, positive, constructive environment.

Employee - Vice President

There is no culture, no real strategy. It is not a real investment bank.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Upheaval internally is needed. Lack of honesty in management. Poor vision and leadership.

Employee - Senior Vice President

Know that there will be politics and back room deals at this company. The most qualified are seldom in the leadership positions due to cronyism.

Employee - Senior Vice President

In Northern California, Wells Fargo is a hotbed of politics and gossip